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Number Master| Earn real money with Easy Mathematics

Are you ready to put your maths skills to the test? Welcome to Number Master, a brain-teasing game that challenges your mathematical prowess. In this game, you’ll combine, calculate, and conquer your way to number mastery. Plus, there’s a chance to win real money based on your performance. Get ready to dive into this numerical adventure!

Why Play Number Master?

Number Master is not just a maths game; it’s a thrilling test of your mathematical skills and reflexes. This engaging game challenges your brain and pushes it to its mathematical limits. It provides a fun and educational way to enhance your number skills while offering the chance to win real cash prizes. As you progress through the game, you’ll improve your reaction time and decision-making abilities while navigating through numbers and obstacles. Number Master also introduces a unique gameplay element – the “grace period.” When you hit an obstacle, you’ll enjoy a brief immunity, which you can strategically leverage. With an ever-increasing challenge, Number Master offers endless hours of entertainment and learning. 

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How to Play Number Master

After logging into the Tento app, you can start playing “Number Master” by following these quick steps:

Open the Tento app and click on the “Number Master” icon to start playing. Here, you can select between free and paid game slots.

In Number Master, your objective is to control a moving number. You must skillfully guide this number, collecting other numbers to increase your score while avoiding obstacles.

The game begins with your number at zero. As you collect other numbers, they will be added to your total score.

Pay attention to the colours of the numbers you encounter. Yellow numbers add to your score, while red numbers subtract from it.

As you advance in the game, you’ll encounter obstacles. These obstacles can slow you down, so move carefully to avoid them.

When you hit an obstacle, Number Master provides a grace period of 5 seconds during which you are immune to obstacles. Use this time wisely to enhance your gameplay.

Although red numbers won’t immediately increase your score, they will contribute to your overall count once your score surpasses their value.

Your final score in Number Master determines your chances of winning real cash prizes. The higher your score, the greater your potential rewards.

Features of Number Master

Explore the exciting features of Number Master

Test your mathematical skills by combining and calculating numbers on the go.

Feel the pressure of a time-constrained gameplay that rewards quick thinking.

Collect numbers to increase your score, and the higher your score, the greater your chances of winning real cash prizes.

Keep an eye out for yellow numbers to increase your score and avoid red numbers that subtract from your total.

 Hitting obstacles grants you a brief immunity window, allowing you to recover and keep playing.

Expect fresh game plays and obstacle challenges to keep the game intriguing.


Got questions? We’ve got answers

01) Is there a time limit for completing a Master's degree?

Yes, you’ll need to collect as many numbers as possible  within a specific time frame to maximise your score.

02) Can I play "Number Master" on my mobile device?

Absolutely! “Number Master” is available for both iOS and Android devices, making it accessible wherever you go.

03) Are there any in-app purchases in "Number Master"?

Currently, “Number Master” does not include in-app purchases. You can enjoy the game without any additional costs.

04) Is "Number Master" suitable for players of all ages?

Yes, “Number Master” is designed to be enjoyed by players of all ages who want to challenge their mathematical skills and win real cash prizes.

05) How are scores and winnings calculated in "Number Master"?

Your score in “Number Master” is determined by the number of successful mergers you make before the time runs out. The higher your score, the more real cash you can earn.


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